Medieval and South Pacific Art

For several years now, galleries Brimo de Laroussilhe and Voyageurs & Curieux have been holding exhibits where Medieval and Oceanic Art are shown side by side. For Marie-Amélie and Jean-Edouard Carlier, this mix is natural. It almost takes them back to the children’s game they used play as brother and sister. More importantly, it also corresponds with their profound taste and predilection for marrying different art styles and forms.

Affinities between the pieces can take many forms, sometimes obvious,
sometimes more obscure. It could relate to a shape, a color, a common trait or a contrasting one, a dissonance that makes them smile…

Ancient art, whether classical or tribal, does not proscribe amusement. This is usually the response of collectors who are ever increasingly becoming practitioners of this kind of informed and erudite eclecticism in which works of art from all periods and civilizations communicate to each other with their quality and intrinsic beauty as a common language.